Sport: il reparto giocattoli della vita. Jimmy Cannon

Se tu guardassi, seduto in mezzo agli spettatori, le prodezze di quegli uomini, la bellezza dei corpi, la robustezza mirabile, le prove straordinarie, la forza imbattibile, il coraggio, l’emulazione, lo spirito indomabile, l’impegno inesauribile profuso per la vittoria, non cesseresti di lodare, di acclamare, di applaudire.

Paganello 2015

It is not only the most important Frisbee event in the world, but it has always been seen as the beginning of Spring in Rimini: Rimini Paganello, the World Championship of Beach Ultimate and Freestyle.
As usual, it takes place during the Easter period and includes a week of individual events of freestyle Frisbee, or team competitions (the World Championship of Beach Ultimate) who see the participation of athletes from many countries of Europe and the World. But Paganello is much more than a sporting event: it is pure fun, friendship and competition at the beach!

Paganello 2015 Paganello 2015 Paganello 2015




“Dance a little stranger, show me where you’ve been. Love can make you hostage wanna do it again. There’s no time to think about the starting or the end. We’ll find out I’m told, my mother she told me so.” Fly – Sugar Ray.

Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day

domenica 26 aprile

Ogni anno l’ultima domenica di aprile si celebra la Giornata Mondiale della Fotografia Stenopeica. organizza a San Zaccaria – Ravenna una giornata interamente dedicata alla fotografia stenopeica: per chi vuole scoprire un mondo piacevolmente anacronistico, per chi vuole sviluppare il proprio percorso fotografico in modo alternativo, per chi ha la giornata libera.

Si scatta con scatole di cartone già pronte e si stampa in camera oscura. Partecipate, c’è una scatola per tutti!


African’s Pin-Hole Workshop

Anyone can build a camera.

This workshop aims to show kids how cameras work and how they have the ability to construct their very own with very basic and everyday materials. Each child designed everything from the camera box, the pinhole. Each camera is a totally unique product of the children themselves; a testimony to the passion each child has for photography and at the same time to the wonderful invention of photography.

Image has become an easy and everyday commodity of expression and is often taken for granted; evident in the way photographs are used by youth today. By giving each child the opportunity to make their own camera, each gained a new awareness of image. Once completed and asked to use their cameras, the kids took ownership of the images they made,focusing on composition and subject matter and other aspects of making good photographs, almost instinctively.

The results reveal much of the vulnerability of photographic paper but also much about the nature of light. Each child made severalphotographs and despite over exposures, light leaks and focal distortions, the film and its reaction with light always manages to surprise you. Providing you with something better than a photograph.

The greatest hope of this workshop is that the kids will continue experimenting with various forms of media to document their world through image.

The Awassa Pin-Hole workshop! Pinhole Photographers: Adana, Addisu, Bruk (Big), Bruk (Small), Dagmar, Ghennet, Kids, Minttesnot, Nebiu, Semira, Temesghen, Uscetu, Sion, Zelalem Werkitu, Wondmaghen.

PinHole, Awassa Ethiopia

PinHole, Awassa Ethiopia

PinHole, Awassa Ethiopia

PinHole, Awassa Ethiopia PinHole, Awassa Ethiopia

PinHole, Awassa Ethiopia

PinHole, Awassa Ethiopia

0082PinHole, Awassa Ethiopia PinHole, Awassa Ethiopia

PinHole, Awassa Ethiopia

PinHole, Awassa Ethiopia

PinHole, Awassa Ethiopia

PinHole, Awassa Ethiopia


he dream was born in Awassa, under the dark arches where a group of street children lived, trying to protect themselves from the world around them. One day these youngesters started to make card-board pin-hole camera to play with the light, rediscover their world and overcome their fear of it. This is the dream of the children of Awassa and of LUC: to have a good place where they can grove up in peace, a welcoming place where they can house more children, a useful working place for adults too, a meeting place for ideas from around the world and also something like a school that will help them to grow and stimulate their creativity, a special corner of the world.

LUC stand for Let Us Change. Let Us Change ourselves, and perhaps the world will follow you.



Good for life

Physical fitness is a general state of health and well-being and, more specifically, the ability to perform aspects of sports or occupations. Physical fitness is generally achieved through correct nutrition,exercise and rest. It is a set of attributes or characteristics seen in people and which relate to the ability to perform a given set of physical activities.

Before the industrial revolution, fitness was the capacity to carry out the day’s activities without undue fatigue. However with automation and changes in lifestyles physical fitness is now considered a measure of the body’s ability to function efficiently and effectively in work and leisure activities, to be healthy, to resist hypokinetic diseases, and to meet emergency situations.

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